Northumberland Labour says standards need to be upheld to earn public trust.

Labour leader Scott Dickinson said: “Since being elected as leader I have been determined to show that, as politicians, we need to uphold high standards. Quite rightly the public don’t trust people who they can clearly see are working the system in their own interests.

“We just have to look at the Partygate scandal to see how the public’s trust is cast aside so freely. At a time when people were going through the most difficult time for a generation and making huge sacrifices, it was business as usual for politicians and cvil servants at a national level.

“Then we look at the goings on in our own county with the chief executive being suspended without good cause and senior officers of the council resigning because they are finding it increasingly difficult to work with the Tory cabinet. The trouble is the public think all politicians are like this, which is simply not true.

“When the council becomes Labour-led I will be judged on my own performance and behaviour as will other Labour councillors.

“My pledge is that standards, honesty and high codes of conduct will be maintained.

“To serve local people is a privilege. If we have to regain the public’s trust lost by the behaviour of our local council and the national government, that’s what we’ll do.”

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